If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the St. Joseph Police Department at 320-363-8250 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at tricountycrimestoppers.org. Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for a crime.
1:17 p.m. Speeding. CR 2/Minnesota Street W. Officer was traveling north on CR 2 and observed a vehicle passing another traveling south. Officer clocked the passing vehicle at 78 mph in a 55-mph zone. Driver stated he knew he was speeding. Citation issued for speeding. Radar tested prior to stop and found to be working properly.
3:55 p.m. Medical. Lanigan Way SW. Officer dispatched to medical; staff member was administering CPR to victim. Officer applied AED and no shock advised. Officer continued CPR for two cycles until another officer took over. Ambulance arrived and called time of death. Officer conducted death investigation and medical examiner allowed body to be transported to funeral home.
11:27 p.m. Equipment failure. Ridgewood Court/Ridgewood Road. Officer witnessed vehicle traveling same direction in front of officer. Officer saw passenger brake light did not work when driver was braking. Officer stopped vehicle. Driver did not have proof of insurance and was cited for both offenses.
10:32 a.m. Stop-sign violation. Minnesota Street W/College Avenue. Officer witnessed a vehicle traveling east on Minnesota Street W. Driver proceeded through the intersection without braking or attempting to stop. When questioned, driver said he must have missed the sign. Citation for stop-sign violation issued.
11:18 a.m. Attempted break-in. 19th Avenue NE. Officer was flagged down by a business owner who reported attempted entry at his business. Owner rents a garage bay. His landlord contacted him because landlord observed on his Ring camera at 5:15 a.m. a male party in a black SUV attempt to enter the business. Garage door was lifted approximately 2 feet. Owner said nothing was missing. Officer was unable to obtain license plate. Owner requested extra patrol. Email sent out to police staff.
11:23 p.m. Verbal dispute. Schneider Drive. Two officers were dispatched to a verbal dispute. A male party was yelling and yanking cords out of the wall. Man said he was upset because a female neighbor was watching TV in the man’s bed. The woman was visiting because her mother was in the hospital. Woman agreed to return to her residence. Officer advised any other family members to call if man becomes threatening again.
6:01 p.m. Deer/car collision. CR 75/20th Avenue SE. Officer observed a vehicle pulled over on the median. Vehicle had just struck a deer. No injuries, no airbag deployment. Officer gathered information and took photographs. Crash report to follow due to damage over $1,000. Someone from the deer list picked up the deer. Officer wrote a permit for the person.
1:24 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. Second Avenue NW. Officer was dispatched to a man sleeping in his SUV. Officers tapped on window but the man didn’t wake up. Officer opened the door and man woke up. He said he had a long day and needed a nap. No signs of drug or alcohol use. No medical complaints. Cleared.
7:14 a.m. Deer/car collision. CR 2/south CR 75. Officer spoke with driver who said he was driving north on CR 2 when a deer jumped out that he could not avoid. He hit the deer with the front passenger said bumper causing a slight crack. Vehicle was a rental. Officer observed hair on the front bumper, took photos and driver’s information. Filed accident report. Not over $1,000 in damage.
4:23 p.m. Car accident. CR 75/CR 133. Crash occurred within city limits. Officer responded. Vehicle 2 had rear-ended vehicle 1. Driver of vehicle 1 said there was a car in front of her at the stop light on CR 75 and CR 133 that was leaving the stoplight at a low rate of speed. That’s when vehicle 2 rear-ended her. Driver of vehicle 2 said he thought vehicle 1 was driving faster than she was. Accident report filed.
4:47 p.m. Stolen property. Third Avenue SE. Complainant came to St. Joseph Police Department to report his ladder was stolen from his garage. He said two nights last week, he noticed the light in his garage was on but nothing was missing the first night. He also stated his side garage door was unlocked. He said his aluminum ladder, value of $296, was stolen and filled out a stolen property form. No cameras on property, no serial number, no suspects info. Later, the man came back to tell police, the ladder he reported stolen was not stolen and that he forgot he lent it to someone. He now has the ladder back.
Von Pinnon has been publishing the St. Joseph Newsleader since 1989, the Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader since 1995 and the Sauk Rapids-Rice Newsleader since 2015. She graduated from Minnesota State University-Moorhead with degrees in mass communications (with an emphasis on print journalism) and biology. She lives in southeast St. Cloud with her husband and two children.
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