Call me a dork. (OK, you probably already do. Let me think.) Call me corny. But I had a cool little moment with my car on Tuesday.
I was heading to an appointment when I noticed my odometer was on 169,990 miles. This place was still more than 10 miles away so I knew it was going to turn over to 170,000 miles on this trip. No, not exactly a round number. But still kind of cool. So when it got close I carefully got into the right lane and briefly recorded it as it happened.
Then I realized my car will soon be closer to 200,000 miles than 150,000 miles. Would it even make it that far? God, I hope so. It’s a 2015 and paid off and I really want to get the most out of it. I believe the old phrase for that is “drive it into the ground.”
It’s not uncommon today to get 200,000 or more miles out of a vehicle if you keep up with routine maintenance. Some people get a lot more.
The average age of a car in 2022 according to Bureau of Transportation Statistics is estimated to be 12.2 years old. People are keeping cars longer and it’s been increasing every year. The pandemic, which brought about supply chain issues and a chip shortage, certainly didn’t help. Even those who bought a new car were waiting a long time for it to be delivered and kept their older cars going.
So what’ve the national average miles driven per year? 14,263. For the average car to be 12.2 years old that should mean the average car would have 174,008.6 miles. Right about where mine is, except mine is only 8 years old. Yikes.
If you look at average miles driven per year by state, New Jersey believe it or not is only 12,263. So for the average 12.2-year-old car that should mean it has 149,608.6 miles on it. Now mine is looking even worse. It has way too many likes for an 8-year-old car.
You know what? Recording this odometer rollover was a dumb move. Kind of like watching your own heart monitor.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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