At RXR Protect, we constantly ask ourselves the same question: How to get the best protection? By dint of torturing the mind, it seemed obvious to use the elements that surround us, in this case the air! We breathe the air, we move with the air, we heat ourselves with the air, and now with RXR, we protect ourselves with the air. Why use a synthetic material when the air itself can do the job? And what's more with tests that are much more efficient than foams, gels, etc. For more than 10 years, we have incorporated the patented ASA (air shock absorber) technology into our protection products. To put it simply, we use air to absorb shocks due to falls or impacts, like an always-inflated car airbag. 2022 marked a turning point for us since we integrated the entire manufacturing process into our Factory in Caen, France. Having our manufacturing in-house allowed us to innovate, develop, and test prototypes easier and quicker. In short, we are more flexible in our operation. At RXR we were keen to relocate the know-how but also to have a more eco-responsible approach.
The manufacturing relocation allowed us to develop our technology even further and have a more reliable product. With that development came the next iteration of our patented Air Shock Absorber Technology, the ASA 3.0. No more reinflating the protections, which until now it was necessary to regularly check whether the air cushions (which constitute the absorption element) were still at the right pressure for optimal use on products utilizing the previous ASA 1.0 or 2.0 systems. ASA technology is an always-inflated airbag and it contains all the effectiveness of an airbag without its constraints (and explosiveness). The blocking of airflow between the different compartments after welding and factory inflation of our ultra-resistant polyurethane cushion on the ASA 3.0, gives our technology unprecedented impact resistance. You can find the ASA 3.0 technology being utilized on our newest product, the Elite R-Pro Chest protector which is available in adult and youth sizes.
Our technology has also been approved by the French Military and used for ballistic protection. The ASA technology (patented by RXR Protect) has been homologated to absorb the energy and the dynamic energy cone generated by the stoppage of the bullet. Our solutions are now offered in addition to ballistic vests to the largest operator in the military field.
For more information about RXRs patented ASA 3.0 technology, visit
And you can check out their newest line-up of products utilizing the ASA 3.0 at